
The da Vinci® Surgical System

The da Vinci®Surgical System enables surgeons to perform delicate and complex operations through a few small incisions. The da Vinci System consists of several key components, including: an ergonomically designed console where the surgeon sits while operating, a patient-side cart where the patient is positioned during surgery, interactive robotic arms, a 3D HD vision system, and proprietaryEndoWrist®

da Vinci is powered by state-of-the-art robotic technology that allows the surgeon's hand movements to be scaled, filtered and translated into precise movements of the EndoWrist instruments working inside the patient's body.

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Components of the da Vinci Surgical System

Surgeon Console
  • Using the da Vinci Surgical System, the surgeon operates seated comfortably at a console while viewing a high definition, 3D image inside the patient's body.
  • The surgeon's fingers grasp the master controls below the display with hands and wrists naturally positioned relative to his or her eyes.
  • The system seamlessly translates the surgeon's hand, wrist and finger movements into precise, real-time movements of surgical instruments

Patient-side Cart
  • The patient-side cart is where the patient is positioned during surgery. It includes either three or four robotic arms that carry out the surgeon's commands.
  • The robotic arms move around fixed pivot points.
  • The system requires that every surgical maneuver be under the direct control of the surgeon. Repeated safety checks prevent any independent movement of the instruments or robotic arms.

Endowrist Instruments
  • A full range of Endowristinstruments is available to the surgeon while operating.
  • The instruments are designed with seven degrees of motion - a range of motion even greater than the human wrist
  • Each instrument has a specific surgical mission such as clamping, suturing and tissue manipulation.
  • Quick-release levers speed instrument changes during surgery.

Vision System
  • The vision system is equipped with a high-definition, 3D endoscope (flexible tube with a camera and light at the tip) and image processing equipment that provides true-to-life images of the patient's anatomy.
  • A view of the operating field is available to the entire OR team on a large viewing monitor (vision cart). This widescreen view provides the surgical assistant at the patient's side with a broad perspective and visualization of the procedure.



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All surgery presents risk, including da Vinci® Surgery and other minimally invasive procedures. Serious complications may occur in any surgery, up to and including death. Examples of serious or life-threatening complications which may require hospitalization include injury to tissues or organs, bleeding, infection or internal scarring that can cause long-lasting dysfunction or pain. Temporary pain or nerve injury has been linked to the inverted position often used during abdominal and pelvic surgery. Risks of surgery also include potential for equipment failure and human error. Risks specific to minimally invasive surgery may include: A long operation and time under anesthesia, conversion to another technique or the need for additional or larger incisions. If your surgeon needs to convert the procedure, it could mean a long operative time with additional time under anesthesia and increased complications. Temporary pain or discomfort may result from pneumoperitoneum, the presence of air or gas in the abdominal cavity used by surgeons in minimally invasive surgery. Research suggests that there could be an increased risk of incision-site hernia with single-incision surgery. Results, including cosmetic results, may vary. Patients who bleed easily, who have abnormal blood clotting, are pregnant or morbidly obese are typically not candidates for minimally invasive surgery, including da Vinci® Surgery. For more complete information on surgical risks, safety, and indications for use, please refer to Patients should talk to their doctors about their surgical experience and to decide if da Vinci Surgery is right for them. Other options may be available. Intuitive Surgical reviews clinical literature from the highest level of evidence available to provide benefit and risk information about use of the da Vinci Surgical System in specific representative procedures. We encourage patients and physicians to review all available information on surgical options and treatment in order to make an informed decision. Clinical studies are available through the National Library of Medicine at
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